Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 Take a Stand

Week 6  Take a Stand

Q 1. Suppose you are a politician who feels that changes in immigration policy are needed but are faced with the quandary described earlier. Would you do nothing, so as to avoid alienating your constituency, or would you force a policy change and accept political consequence- possible removal from office?2. What Poll questions would you use to get a clearer picture of public opinion on immigration? The questions that I would ask to get a clearer picture on public opinion would have been Whether the citizens would be safe if they lived with the illegal immigrants? Would their residential area be as safe and secure as that would have been earlier? Are they going to support this wrong? Is Just Society a myth for them?

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I would definitely demand a policy change, illegal immigrants should be deported as soon as possible and the poll results would also favor the same cause, this reform obviously in my opinion should take a stand and be further taken up. Being a politician I would definitely support what goes towards the right, and for obvious reasons there are analysis that favor us to the constituency levels but that in need doesn’t mean that immigration in on the illegal fronts be understood and be analyzed. So the answer to this definitely would be a yes fro my side.